What is a brand image film? There are times a brand needs to remind it's customers or stakeholders what it's all about. It may not be about selling any particular product, it's more about communicating what essential qualities work together to define that brand.
In 2019 I was approached by the Filmhafen agency in Frankfurt, Germany who were looking for a British male voice talent for a brand image piece for the prestigious German appliances firm, Braun. The Braun brand is one of the most instantly recognisable in the world, a recognition which flows from their products' incredible design, allowing them to fit seemlessly into our lives. That's all thanks to Dieter Rams famous 10 Principles of Design, which are key to defining the Braun brand and is one of the things the film talks about.
The video and my voiceover were updated in 2020 and it's still used by the parent company DeLonghi as the main commercial image piece for the Braun brand.
Whether you're a big agency used to dealing with professional voice artists or a small business with a concept you want to develop, I can help.